Youth Excellence Seminar

Each year WSQHYA will elect four delegates to represent Washington State at the annual Youth Excellence Seminar (Y.E.S.) in Texas, location TBD. These delegates will be able to run for Regional Offices and National Positions within the AQHYA structure. Delegates understand that it is a requirement for youth Delegates to be chaperoned by an adult. If no adult is willing or able to attend, the youth Delegates will not attend the conference.

Please read current year YES rules and guidelines on the AQHA website. Washington State Delegates and YES members can use the WSQHYA designated fundraisers to earn money to pay for YES expenses. If a youth member raises a minimum of $1,000.00 all monies raised more than the $125 base fundraiser can be used for YES airfare, hotel, and seminar fees with a minimum of $875 that will be allotted for expenses relating to this event. Advisor or chaperone will have the cost of airfare and chaperones room when split with YES attendees of expenses. If there are more than 6 youth attending, then two chaperones will be allowed to attend and allotted for.

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