Anyone Can Be Successful If You…

Anyone Can Be Successful If You….’ A Cowboy Country Christmas, Las Vegas 

By Ava Dees

“Don’t be afraid to fail, don’t ever give up!” These are just a couple of the great motivating phrases that I heard when interviewing a few of the many successful vendors at the Cowboy Country Christmas. One vender that I interviewed was from Barstow Pro Rodeo. The manager, Brent, lives in Texas. The company was started in 1977 by his father in-law. The items they offer range from chinks, chaps, saddle bronc ropes etc. His advice was “DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL” and “DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS”.

Another vendor that I interviewed was from Bohlin. This company was started in 1920 by Ed Bohlin in Texas. Bohlin mentioned that he always wanted to be a cowboy. The first item they made was a belt buckle. His advice was “ALWAYS WORK HARD!”

I also got to interviewed Dale Chavez. The company was started by his father in-law 42 years ago in Texas. The first item they made was a silver halter. Dale’s advice was “YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD…GET UP AND MAKE IT HAPPEN…IT ISN’T EASY BUT WORTH IT!”

Last but not least, I interviewed the vendor Nixall: 5 years, sales Rick. The company was started in California. Nixall is a wound spray that doesn’t sting or irritate wounds. His advice was “DON’T GIVE UP!”

All of the people I interviewed were very nice and I appreciate that they took time to talk with me. They offered some great advice that I will be using, and I hope that you will too! 

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